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Spoil Mum with Saben this Mother's Day - Sunday May 12th | Add Free Gift Wrapping to cart



Mother's Day | At home with Kellie Pardoe

It's easy to see her children Liv and Jackson light up her world. Kellie is a fun, dedicated mother who loves fiercely with everything shes got. She also knows all the best spots for a mid-afternoon spirtzer and is just the type of friend you'd want to chat the sun down with.) It's a privilege to call her a friend, scroll down and enjoy her fantastic-ness. 

At home with Kellie Pardoe for Saben Mothers Day campaignat home with Kellie Pardoe

What motherhood means you to.

I remember seeing a quote once which said ‘ motherhood is having your heart forever go walking around outside your body’ and I couldn’t agree more. It’s a choice I make every day to put someone else’s happiness above mine. And it’s loving more than I ever thought possible and being proud, so proud. 

The things your children have taught you (together, or each child)

Patience... although I’m still learning that one! That some days are really tough, but tomorrow is a new day. A hug can fix just about anything. And that nothing, nothing goes as fast as your children growing up, so to try and appreciate all the moments. 

What has lockdown been like for you in your bubble

It’s had good days and bad days. Some days I feel I’m on top of it and other days I feel I just want to escape and have some alone time. But more than anything, it’s taught me the strength of our family and how we all come together when it’s needed the most. 

Your saving grace while confined to home?

Good coffee. It’s the highlight of my day waking up each morning to have a coffee in bed. 

How has Covid-19 evolved your outlook

I don’t take everyday freedom for granted. I have so much respect for teachers (home schooling took me to the brink!). I realise the importance of shopping local and supporting the small guys. And I wash my hands much more than I used to!

Something about the sentiment of being captured at home

This situation has brought our neighbourhood closer together. I’ve chatted to neighbours who were always working and I never saw. And other neighbours have dropped off essentials when I couldn’t find them at the supermarket. We had a document circulated around our street introducing everyone, their names, what they do and contact details should we need anything. I’m incredibly grateful for this connection and feeling of community. I also have so much respect for my husband’s ability to sense when I need a break and take over. 

Love long distance – your mama is Canada, tell us about her

Oh my gosh, she is so special. I never dreamed growing up that we would be in this situation and neither did she. It’s tough. I miss her so damn much and she misses seeing the kids grow up and being here for all the special occasions. But we do our best to make it work. At the end of the day, if she is happy, then i am happy.  She spent her life devoting herself to myself and my brother so now is her time to find happiness, and happiness for her is in Canada. 

The best thing she instilled in you, that you hope to pass on to your children

Love. Unconditional love. I truly don’t think there is anything more important in life. 

Are there things you catch yourself doing that your mum used to do – if so what?

Cringe. Yes. Haha. If I’m honest... losing my cool. But it’s all a learning curve because it’s something I realise didn’t work when I was growing up, so I’m trying my best to learn patience. 

 at home with Kellie Pardoe for Saben Mother's Day portrait series

at home with Kellie Pardoe for Saben Mothers Day Campaign

at home with Kellie Pardoe wearing Saben Odile handbag

at home with Kellie Pardoe for Saben Mother's Day Campaign